Festival Of New Rice

Festival Of New Rice       The New Harvest Festival of Gadaladeniya Rajmaha Viharaya, held on the 25th of January, coinciding with the Duruthu Full Moon Poya Day, epitomizes tradition and cultural reverence. Rooted deeply in centuries-old customs, this sacred event honors the Lord Buddha by dedicating freshly harvested rice in the ancient Temples […]

The Exhibition of the Sacred Relics of the Lord Buddha and the Arhants

The Exhibition of the Sacred Relics of the Lord Buddha and the Arhants Celebrating the 2567th Vesak festival which is an observation of the birth, enlightenment and the passing away of the great Lord Buddha, special exhibition of the sacred relics of the Lord Buddha and his eight great disciples was held in Gadaladeniya Rajamaha […]

Annual Esala Perahera Procession

Annual Esala Perahera Procession The Annual Esala Perahera procession of Gadaladeniya Viharaya held in the months of September and October. This procession is held annually to pay homage to the great Lord Buddha, with numerous traditional rituals and performances. The procession begins with the ‘Kapa’ planning ceremony, in which a young jakfruit tree is cut […]

Festival of New Rice

Festival of New Rice (New Harvest Festival) This Festival is held in the month of January and is the last festival for the year as per Sinhala calendar. The rice prepared using the first harvest of paddy which belong to the temple is offered to the great Lord Buddha. Moreover, in a small ceremony which […]