Festivel of New Rice – 2024

Festivel of New Rice – 2024 Date – 2024.01.25 The final festival, according to the Sinhalese calendar, celebrated on the full moon day of January, is known as the New Rice Festival or “Aluth Sahal Mangallaya.” During this event, rice from the initial paddy harvest, belonging to the temple, is dedicated to the revered Lord […]

Annual Esala Perahera Procession – 2023

Annual Esala Perahera Procession – 2023 – – – – Date:- 2023.10.06,07,08 – – – –    The Annual Esala Perahera procession of Gadaladeniya Viharaya held in the months of September and October. This procession is held annually to pay homage to the great Lord Buddha, with numerous traditional rituals and performances. The procession begins […]

The Kartika Festival

The Kartika Festival (Kartika Mangallaya) The third festival of the year is “Karthika” festival. It is celebrated in the full moon day of the month of November by having lighted oil lamps being offered to the Lord Buddha once night falls. This resembles the Hindu “Dipawali Festival” and it is believed that this “Karthika” festival […]